Isaac Demers
5 min readNov 25, 2019

Dear Kanye,

I represent Kanye. I stumble like Kanye. I have sinned like Kanye. I have hurt and felt pain like Kanye. I have bled like Kanye for I am human like Kanye. I have questioned life like Kanye. I have found grace like Kanye. I have found God like Kanye. I have been saved and forgiven like Kanye. I have doubted God like Kanye. I have been judged like Kanye. I have been disliked and hated because of my faith like Kanye. What is it like to be Kanye? This letter is for every new believer. This letter is for Kanye.

I was young when I got saved. I grew up in a Christian household so I tell myself I hit the lottery. I struggle with the idea that people raised in a certain household may never hear about Jesus, His love, and Salvation. I struggle with the idea that there are people being raised to believe in a god that doesn’t exist, in a religion that is false, or in nothing at all. I struggle with the knowledge that there are children being taught that we are the product of a mistake, a bang that produced human life that is the most advanced life form known in existence. I hate that people are accepting the idea that we are a product of meaningless existence. We are a form of life that is a mistake that somehow has emotion, is able to freely show expression, is able to produce offspring, and is able to do virtually anything with the right mindset. Bang. Here we are. I’m not here to change mindsets, perspectives, or religions. That is not my intention. I’m here to tell you about my beliefs. I’m here to tell you that Jesus not only existed, He exists. I’m here to tell you that you are not a mistake. You have a purpose and grand intentions. You have been designed by a creator that not only wants a relationship with you, But He also wants you to have a relationship with Him.

Yes, I won the lottery with the greatest parents ever. They taught me who Jesus is. They showed me that I am more than a life form. I am chosen and I have a purpose. They showed me Christianity is not a religion, it is a lifestyle by living as a Jesus follower. I am a disciple, not just a fan. I stumble and make mistakes but so did Paul. I have doubted God and so did Thomas. I have turned my back on Jesus and so did Judas. The disciples were nowhere close to being perfect and neither are we. The crazy thing is Jesus knew this about His disciples. Jesus knows this about us. Jesus never died for sinless and perfect people. He died for the broken, the hurting, the sin-filled, and the doubters. He died for less than perfect. He died for ALL.

I remember Sunday School and what it entailed. Juice and animal crackers was a revolution to a young boy such as myself and the cool stories of Giants being defeated were a welcomed addition. While the cool stories and the animal crackers were great I think we are missing something in Sunday School and even in most Church Services. Authenticity. Many Sunday school classes have focused on the stories of victory but hid the stories of defeat. Children and adults alike need to be taught that not all Giants get knocked down by the first stone. Not all Giants fall easily. Some giants need hit and then hit again. Some victories take time and patience. Some breakthroughs require tribulation, rock bottom, and defeat. Some battles require blood to be drawn, bruises and scars to be made, and some tears to be shed. Kanye clearly has faced giants in his life just like everyone else. I believe Kanye is currently in a season where his giants are starting to fall. You can see it on his face. You can hear it in his voice. You can read it in his lyrics. Kanye’s giants did not fall like David’s. They were not defeated with the first stone. Kanye’s giants took some time to defeat, took some preparation, and multiple stones. Kanye has made a shift is defeating his giants today because Kanye has discovered and accepted that Jesus is King.

I have never been an expert on math, science, or Jesus. Honestly, I have never been an expert on anything. Why? Because there is always room for growth especially for a new beginner. Kanye may be new to faith and Christianity but so was I at one point and so were you. We all have to start somewhere and that looks different for everyone. It seems to be easy to judge beginners. It is easy to make assumptions, predictions, and to critique people who have just begun a journey. I myself have been there. Let me say that I am more than happy to have Kanye on the side of the truth. I am more than grateful that Kanye is now a God-fearing, God-believing, and God-forgiven man. I welcome Kanye to the promised land with open arms because I know that’s exactly what God is doing Himself. Who are we to pretend that we are the gatekeeper? I know the Gatekeeper and last time I checked there were no limitations to who may enter Heaven’s Gate. Check John 3:16 to see if I’m bluffing. I’m not.

My heart goes out to Kanye. I see a lot of judgment being thrown at him. Disciples are not built overnight. We need to remember that. To all the Christians throwing punches at Kanye and making an assumption, I encourage you to take a moment to stand back, look at your journey and imperfections. We all got them. Stop wasting energy by judging, criticizing, and pulling others down. I would be careful with what you say If you want to take the time to be outspoken about someone you have never met or spoken with. Remember our words impact. You have the ability to make a difference. Choose to uplift and encourage others. Life’s hurdles are always easier to overcome with others cheering for one another. Giants fall much faster when we gather around together in unity and knock them down as a team, a family. That’s who we are, a family. A family of God’s children.

I am cheering for Kanye. I believe in Kanye. I support Kanye. God bless Kanye.

To every new believer, I love you. More importantly, God loves you. Welcome to Heaven’s gates. Welcome to the Kingdom.